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Vientiane Streetscapes

Before we jump into Cambodia, I wanted to publish one final post — a collection of photos around Vientiane, the capital city of Laos, taken largely over many Sunday mornings this years.

The day and time are important to note. In the process of selecting photos of Vientiane streetscapes for this post, I was initially struck by the lack of people or action in these photos. Then, it occurred to me that the vast majority of these shots had been capture on sleepy Sunday mornings, when not a lot goes on in Vientiane.

Outside of weekday rush hour and evenings, Vientiane can be pretty sleepy and laid back on any day of the week. Sunday mornings, however, can often have a ghost town feel to them.

I post a lot about daily life activities, but don’t feel I’ve done a great job of conveying the unique architectural aspect of this place.

This post is one final attempt to fill in some of the gaps before this blog suddenly goes Cambodian.

Vientiane Night Market :: One of the few photos here with people — and a fairly large crowd for Vientiane.
The dramatically under visited Saysettha Park near That Luang.
Looking down Chao Anou Road from the Mekong side of the daily Night Market grounds.
Lao Biker Bar.
Cafe Vanille, formerly Le Banneton Cafe — one of downtown Vientiane’s oldest French cafes.
Saysettha Park.
Modern Lao-style house in Sisattanak District.
Wat Mixay, from Nokeokoummane Road.
Chao Anou Road in Ban Haysoke.
Ho Kang Chinese Temple.
Samsenthai Road, Vientiane’s main thoroughfares from the airport and Route 13.
Quai Fa Ngum, the old river front road.
Siovane Market in Ban Thong Kang.
Unique restaurant seating.
Transporting a traditional Lao musical instrument.
Vientiane New World Chinese development along the Mekong.
“New Mall” at the Morning Market (Talat Sao Shopping Center)
Lao Shophouses in Vientiane.

1 thought on “Vientiane Streetscapes”


    Beautiful Wats and terrifying electrical wires!! Thanks for posting these…


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