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Pueblo Magico

Patzcuaro Michoacan

Patzcuaro Days

Discovering the wonderful sights and simple pleasures of the evocative Pueblo Magico of Patzcuaro in Michoacan, Mexico.

Sayulita & Cinco de Mayo

Tuesday was our San Pancho Day. It only makes sense that Thursday should be our Sayulita Day. Last Saturday, the boys spent the day at a kids club in Sayulita, … Read more

Sayulita Saturday

When Lori learned that Noe’s old school in Sayulita held a Kids Club every Saturday, it was an opportunity too good to pass up. The boys could make some new … Read more

Holy Week Hideout

Moving to the country, exploring desert hills, and gearing up for Mexico’s biggest party of the year: Semana Santa (Easter Holy Week).

San Carlos (Nuevo Guaymas)

We finally make it back to the beach, all to find ourselves in Little Canada on a Mexican three-day weekend. Welcome to San Carlos!