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North America

Golf Cart Problems

We’re told you can’t have a golf cart in Sayulita without your fair share of problems. Deceptively simple machines, but no match for salt air, tropical heat, and harsh terrain.

Adios, 2020

Finishing 2020 the way we started it, at the beach! Just on a different continent. Highlights from the waning days of a helluva year.

Laying Low in Mexico

Surprise! Nope, we’re not wanted by U.S. Marshalls, and we didn’t make a run for the border, though that would’ve certainly made things more interesting. Read on to find out more.

Christmas in Sayulita

It’s that time of the year! While the country has changed [again], we continue our tradition of keeping it simple, unplanned, and time together.

Holiday High Season

Taking advantage of a relaxed week of fun in the sun and cooler temps, in the run-up to the dreaded holiday onslaught of tourists, both foreign and domestic.

We Got Wheels!

We get ourselves a totally sweet, eco-friendly, off-road…ahem…golf cart! And other updates from Sayulita in the month of November.

Waiting on a Passport

Watching autumn creeping in and our planned departure date come and go, as we continue to be held captive by the glacial U.S. passport renewal process during Covid.

Pacific City

A midway meetup with Lori’s brother and sister-in-law in another coastal location after nearly two years apart. And fun with Oregon’s unpredictable coastal weather.

Apocalypse Now

Devastating wildfires join forces with Covid to push us deeper into our protective bubbles, as we concoct creative ways to keep 2 young boys and 6 adults sane in captivity.


Reconnecting with both sets of grandparents in Oregon, following two weeks in captivity (i.e. quarantine), and 20 months apart.

The Waiting Game

With Lori’s brother’s wedding behind us, the countdown begins until Baby #2 decides to grace us with his/her presence. But not before daddy reclaims his own birthday for himself.

Portland to Brussels

By his seventeenth it was pretty clear that Noe was starting to get bored with wineries, so we got on a plane and moved to Laos. While that might not be entirely true, the weather leaving Portland was a good sign it was time to move on.

Month Two with Noe

Wow. Noe’s already 2+ months old! Well, that’s what everyone keeps saying. When he hit the two month mark last week we couldn’t believe he’s only been with us for such a short period of time. […]


I was steaming mad. Well, probably more exhausted than anything, but symptomatically I was presenting as pretty darn perturbed. Lori and I found ourselves on this sweltering […]

First Month with Noe

We’re here in Roseburg now and will be for another six or seven weeks. We’ve got some big news to share in terms of next steps, so stay tuned. Last Thursday, Noe celebrated his one month birthday […]

It’s a Boy!

Our sweet baby boy, Noe Owen (rhymes with “Joey”), was born on June 21, 2016 at 6:38am (6lbs.5oz.). Contractions began Saturday night, water broke early Father’s Day morning, laboring […]