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Christmas in Sayulita

Another Christmas, another country. If I’m doing the math right, that’s Christmas in four different countries in the past four years.

Despite the change of scenery [again], Christmas this year was a lot like any other Christmas for us. Low key, nothing in particular planned, and quality time together with the boys.

We kicked things off Christmas Eve with a family hike to Playa Malpaso, on a particularly brilliant (if a bit chilly) morning.

I’ve probably done the hike to this beach half a dozen times now since we moved here and never noticed this cave. I knew that there was a “Caves Beach” on the south side of this rock formation, but hadn’t quite figured out how to access it, until today.

Usually, the tide is quite high when I’ve been on this end of the beach, but not today. So, I decided to explore a bit and see what happens.

Moments later, I popped out onto a picturesque and isolated little cove. One thing we’re loving about Sayulita are all the little secrets we’re constantly discovering right under our noses. Each day seems to bring a new discovery.

Later that day, Lori dressed up the boys and we had a festive little photo shoot up on North Beach, along with our usual happy hour tradition of sand castles and beer.

A week ago, this stretch of beach was pretty quiet. But it’s nothing compared to Central Beach (which we avoid these days like the plague…literally).

Christmas morning! Looks like Papa Noel (Santa) came! And look, boys, he even moved our Christmas tree to the living room all by himself!

One thing about our Christmas traditions overseas never seems to change: gathering on an impossibly uncomfortable sofa waiting to unwrap gifts.

Santa brought some interesting things, but the grapes stole the show. Our boys have some combination of mango, pineapple, passionfruit, watermelon, banana, orange, guava, and papaya with every meal here.

But they seem to think grapes are the most exotic and wonderful fruit ever and can’t get enough of them.

The look on Noe’s face is why we get two of almost everything, and why everything we get the boys has to look exactly the same.

Riley, waiting his turn. Again.

With the morning festivities complete, it’s time to head to the beach!

We brave Central Beach on Christmas Day to get the boys a coconut. Fortunately we can cower in the protection of El Break cafe while we’re enjoying our beverages, until we’re ready to face the masses.

Low tide gave us a bit of breathing room along the beach. Come high tide, it’ll be a whole other story.

A couple weeks ago, Lori discovered the most absolutely amazing Oaxacan tamales. The guy told her he was there in that spot every day, so she only got enough for dinner.

After that, we didn’t see him for weeks.

Then, who should pop up on Christmas Day? None other than Oaxaca tamale dude! Christmas dinner, check!

And with that, our first Christmas in Mexico draws to a close. And a pretty darn good one, too.

2 thoughts on “Christmas in Sayulita”

  1. Shirley Northcraft

    Reflection on the fun just a few months ago makes me realize how quickly the little guys are growing. You have captured the special moments with your camera and narrative. Thank you!

  2. What a wonderful Christmas! Love, love, love the pictures of your boys!


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