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Living in Portland

Month Two with Noe

Wow. Noe’s already 2+ months old! Well, that’s what everyone keeps saying. When he hit the two month mark last week we couldn’t believe he’s only been with us for such a short period of time. […]


I was steaming mad. Well, probably more exhausted than anything, but symptomatically I was presenting as pretty darn perturbed. Lori and I found ourselves on this sweltering […]

First Month with Noe

We’re here in Roseburg now and will be for another six or seven weeks. We’ve got some big news to share in terms of next steps, so stay tuned. Last Thursday, Noe celebrated his one month birthday […]

It’s a Boy!

Our sweet baby boy, Noe Owen (rhymes with “Joey”), was born on June 21, 2016 at 6:38am (6lbs.5oz.). Contractions began Saturday night, water broke early Father’s Day morning, laboring […]

The Grotto

View of downtown Portland from Mt. Tabor. Lori’s parents came up to Portland a few weeks back in mid-April to hang out and check on the status of the belly […]


You may have already figured out that we didn’t end up going to Nepal. We’ve been living in a quirky, vintage former hotel built in 1910 in exotic-in-its-own-way Portland, Oregon […]

Eastern Oregon

The next morning, after a full day of exploring the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, including the awe-inspiring Painted Hills, we broke camp, packed up the car, and headed deeper into Eastern Oregon […]

Painted Hills

The Painted Hills of Eastern Oregon. Lori and I have been wanting to visit these stunning freaks of nature for a while, but given their fairly remote location […]