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Welcome to the Blog

Here, you'll find everything we've published over the years, from newest to oldest, including our expat adventures, traveler stories, and more.

Ban Haysoke

Spending some time in one of Vientiane’s more intriguing and historic neighborhoods, Haysoke Village, taking in the crumbling Bauhaus architecture, food, and people.

Laos Life: 23-30 November 2016

It’s nice to be back in town for the last week of November. It’s full-on dry season now, so we’re trying our best to take advantage of the cooler, sunnier weather.

Luang Prabang: North Bank

We spend our last day in Luang Prabang taking a leisurely stroll around the UNESCO peninsula, and a local ferry across the Mekong to explore a small village and a hilltop jungle temple.

A Saturday at Buddha Park

We heard of a unique and mysterious “spirit city” a short bus ride out of town and couldn’t resist making Buddha Park our first Vientiane day trip.

Week Two Walks & Eats

Eating our way around Phontan Village (and the rest of Vientiane), house hunting, more adventures home with baby, and settling into our new life in Laos.

Second Saturday

After our first full week in Vientiane, we explore around Xaysettha District, neighboring Sisattanak, and Chanthabouly.

Vientiane, 4 Years Ago

The post that never got posted from our 2012 backpacking trip through Asia. And, ironically, the place we’ve now ended up moving to in Asia. A look back at our first time around in Vientiane!

Vientiane Arrival & Move-In

We’ve arrived! Three more flights from Brussels to Vientiane get us to our new home just before noon. Now, we’ve got less than 24 hours to move-in to our temporary abode before Lori reports to work in the morning.

Brussels: Arrival

Belgium is one of those countries that I enjoyed a whole lot more than I thought I would. I mean, what’s not to love about a country whose major exports include some of the best beer, chocolate and waffles on the planet?

Portland to Brussels

By his seventeenth it was pretty clear that Noe was starting to get bored with wineries, so we got on a plane and moved to Laos. While that might not be entirely true, the weather leaving Portland was a good sign it was time to move on.

Month Two with Noe

Wow. Noe’s already 2+ months old! Well, that’s what everyone keeps saying. When he hit the two month mark last week we couldn’t believe he’s only been with us for such a short period of time. […]


I was steaming mad. Well, probably more exhausted than anything, but symptomatically I was presenting as pretty darn perturbed. Lori and I found ourselves on this sweltering […]

First Month with Noe

We’re here in Roseburg now and will be for another six or seven weeks. We’ve got some big news to share in terms of next steps, so stay tuned. Last Thursday, Noe celebrated his one month birthday […]

It’s a Boy!

Our sweet baby boy, Noe Owen (rhymes with “Joey”), was born on June 21, 2016 at 6:38am (6lbs.5oz.). Contractions began Saturday night, water broke early Father’s Day morning, laboring […]