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Welcome to the Blog

Here, you'll find everything we've published over the years, from newest to oldest, including our expat adventures, traveler stories, and more.

Mekong Crossing

Hankering for fresh fish, cold beer, and a break from the city, we hop a public ferry across the Mighty Mekong. The journey, however, doesn’t quite turn out as intended.

Urban Adventuring

With a lease signed and festival time behind us (for now) we finally sink into something akin to a routine, at least for us, with urban adventures across Phnom Penh.

What’s the Catch!?

The hunt continues, as we expand our search, make up games to cope with our burgeoning insanity, and pay a visit to Phnom Penh’s biggest party hostel.

House Hunters

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to go house hunting in Phnom Penh? Of course you have! Exciting highlights from the search for our just-good-enough-to-inhabitat home!

Vientiane Streetscapes

A quick post highlighting the unique structures and streetscapes across Vientiane, captured over several Sunday mornings in 2019.

Moving Week

Our final week living in Laos is upon us! Saying goodbyes, packing up, and moving out of our house in Vientiane, and gearing up for new adventures ahead.

Forty in Laos

A weekend doing stuff, then reflecting on that stuff. Because, you know, forty trips around the sun.

Laos Life: 3-20 September 2019

Highlights from September 2019, a surprisingly subdued month considering what lay on the horizon. A relaxing month with amazing weather. The calm before the storm.

Full Circle

Returning with Noe to one of the places where it all began for us in Vientiane, and we are amazed once again at the difference three short years make.

Urban Trekking

Taking advantage of drought conditions in rainy season to get out and about with the boys…when it’s not miserably hot, that is.

Under Construction

How can a city be constantly changing and not really changing at all — all at the very same time? We set out with Noe and Riley to answer that very same question, with astonishingly unsurprising results.

7 Years Hitched

Hard to believe it’s been seven years since diving off the deep end together. Time flies when you’re having fun, I guess! A quick recap on a perfect anniversary weekend with and without the boys.

3 Years Old in Laos

That’s right! Our little Mister just turned THREE. Hard to believe it’s already been three years since we carted the little nugget home with us for the first time. Here are the highlights from an eventful day. Happy Birthday, Noe!