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End Of The Road

Wrapping up 105 days and 6,000 miles of overland shoestring travel from Cape Town, South Africa to Kampala, Uganda, with numerous side trips in between.

Arrival in Zanzibar

After four long weeks in Mozambique we arrived in Zanzibar, and the difference was startling — the food, the friendliness, and the value for the money were incomparable.

Trapped in Paradise

We find ourselves held hostage by the beauty, isolation and insane prices of a “bush camp” in the north of Mozambique and attempt to escape before the money runs dry.

Linga Linga (Pt.2)

I followed an old friend through the bush — back in time and back to basics, enjoying reconnecting and reconciling with a past that wasn’t quite through with me — on a forgotten piece of paradise.

Linga Linga (Pt.1)

Sometimes I wonder whether I dreamed up certain places I’ve been to or if they actually exist. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that Linga Linga is very real and very much the same as I left it.

Inhambane City

There is little reason why Inhambane City should still exist today, and yet it has endured the tides of change with quiet dignity, as the fickle goddess of progress giveth and taketh.


Maxixe. Mind blown. Pavement, strip malls, trees. For me, Maxixe once represented a gateway to the outside world. I was eager to introduce Lori to this dusty, bustling transit hub. Only problem–I hardly recognized it.

Maputo Daze

Maputo — capital of Mozambique. It’s great to be back. Our week in Maputo proves an ideal introduction to Mozambique for Lori and reminds me why I always enjoyed visiting this unique place.

Return to Mozambique

After a month driving around South Africa, and eight years away from Mozambique, we finally cross the border into another world, both familiar and foreign.

Wild Coast: Coffee Bay

A mile outside of already-remote Coffee Bay sits a place of stunning beauty and supreme tranquility. Make it down the Driveway of Terror in a tiny compact hatchback and you shall reap your reward.

The Magical Forest

At our next stop along SA’s hippie trail, Earth Angel checked us into Wild Spirit Backpackers, and suggested we check out the Sunset Tree of Love, Starry Shower and Magical Forest. Seriously.

Hermanus Whale Watching

We make a pitstop in Hermanus, the whale watching capital of South Africa, for a few hours to see if we can’t spot some whale action from the shore…turns out the whales were ready and waiting.

Samosas And Farewell

Local food gets repetitive, hotel food gets expensive, and expat food is often far away (and expensive). So what is a consultant to do when they are staying at the Mille Collines for a month? They eat samosas. Lots of samosas.

My March In Hotel Rwanda

What is it like to spend nearly a month in Africa’s most famous (or infamous) hotels? Read about it here as well as what to see, do and eat on an extended stay in this lovely hilltop capital.