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Sayulita & Cinco de Mayo

Tuesday was our San Pancho Day. It only makes sense that Thursday should be our Sayulita Day. Last Saturday, the boys spent the day at a kids club in Sayulita, so they really didn’t get time to explore. Noe’s excited to revisit all his favorite spots (the ones he remembers, at least). And Riley’s excited anytime Noe’s excited.

With that, it’s back on the bus. This time, we snag a fancy one with air-conditioning. The boys were beside themselves.

The new highway, viewed from the old highway. I’m looking forward to driving that south for the first time to Puerto Vallarta…someday.

One of the things Noe remembers from Sayulita two years on is this…

What kid wouldn’t? That’s a Chido Chia at Anchor Cafe. Noe’s been talking about this for literally years. Happy kid.

“Hand-rolled ice cream tacos”. I’m intrigued. Sadly, they’re not open.

Need a hammock? Perhaps a feather duster? There’s a motorcycle under there somewhere.

The new Sayu-Parque. The boys attended a fundraising event at the old park for this one. That t-shirt Noe’s wearing just happens to be from the event three years ago. And here it is.

No visit to Sayulita would be complete without a visit to see Jasmin, Riley’s nanny and playmate for much of our time in Sayulita.

Riley had just turned two when we moved here (and we left the area when he was around three-and-a-half) so he doesn’t remember much. But Jasmin and Tito and Tita do. Tito and Tita introduced Riley to his first taste of tacos de cabeza, which he couldn’t get enough of.

Polaris rentals are a new sight around these parts. It used to be just golf carts.

Playa Sayulita on a Thursday.

Unfortunately, El Break, one of our favorite breakfast spots in town is no more—replaced by two upmarket affairs.

The iguanas were out in full force in the Iguana Tree. How many can you spot?

We couldn’t let a visit to Sayulita go by without a roadside beer flight at Yambak, the best brewery in town (and the only one).

The rest of the week and weekend were a fun mix of relaxation, hanging out with new and old friends, and of course, getting some quality beach time in.

The water temperature is just about perfect right now with calm seas and excellent visibility. Air temps have been in the mid-80s with lots of sunshine. Can’t ask for more than that.

Getting a bit of independent school done before chill time.

Lo de Marcos is packed with families with kids from across Mexico and the rest of North America. It’s one of the most diverse little communities we’ve seen so far in Mexico.

Noe and Riley even got an invite to a birthday party for someone they didn’t even know through our neighbors at the RV Park. They ended up becoming fast friends and were invited back the following week to swim and play. That’s how folks seem to roll here.

Brunch day here in Lo de Marcos. We finally got to return to The Waterman Cafe, which was always one of our favorite breakfast places in Nayarit. It did not disappoint.

And grocery day. Heck, almost every day is grocery day here. A bunch of bananas here, a loaf of bread there. This is the main mini-super here in town.

Always lots of interesting vehicles (and characters) here in Lo de Marcos. Riley fits right in.

Did I mention it’s also Cinco de Mayo today?—which, of course, nobody really celebrates in Mexico.

Lori and I do always make sure to have a few tacos and a shot of tequila on this oh so special holiday—you know—as a nod to the traditions of our native homeland.

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